When you open up the shift page, you will see a few key pieces of information:
Shift Information - Position, location name, geographic location, and internal shift title are listed in the top left corner of the screen.
Clock-in and Clock-out Codes - These randomly generated codes are given to Pros to clock in/out on their app at the start and end of their shift.
All shifts on the same day will have the same codes.
Shift Details - Shift start and end time, bill rate, fill rate, and quantity of professionals are listed.
Payment Info - All Payment information, including estimated total listed.
Instructions and Details - All details of the shift, including attire and location information
Onsite Contact - Onsite contact. For the shift is listed. You can add multiple onsite contacts.
Location -Map of the location is included with an adjustable pin location. To adjust the pin press the “Adjust” button and “Save” when done.