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Applying for a position on Indeed

What to do after you submit an application on Indeed to work an Instawork shift and other frequently asked questions

Written by Jacky
Updated over a week ago

Congratulations! You just used Indeed to find a position through Instawork--that’s awesome. Follow the steps below to complete your profile to finish your application and find other shifts.

  1. Provide your:

    1. Name

    2. Profile picture

    3. Address

    4. Work history

    5. References

  2. Bonus: You can highlight your skills and certifications to find shifts seeking someone with your specific experience!

Learn more about Instawork by watching this brief overview

Other frequently asked questions:

  • How can I see other shifts in my area?

To view all open positions in your area (including the one you found on Indeed) you need to complete your profile. You can do that by following the steps above!

  • What happens after I complete my profile on Instawork?

You will be able to view and select open shifts in your area!

  • Where can I see more information about a shift?

Each shift listed will include things like dress code, supplies, directions, parking, and reviews from other professionals.

  • What is the dress code or what supplies do I need for my shift?

Dress codes and supplies vary by shift. When selecting a shift scroll down to see what the requirements are before you book it.

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